Powershell script for start the multiple services if stopped

Using this script you can start the multiple services if those service are in stopped status.As a example i have used only three services(network connection,dns cache and print spooler).we can schedule this scrip or manually run for get the result.

Using this script you can start the multiple services if those services are in

*keep remember  to set the execution policy before running the powershell scripts


Redirect computers objects to different ou when computers are join to the domain

using redircmp we can redirect newly created computer objects to the new ou or child ou.in my example im redirecting my computers to workstation ou.after that when im adding computer to the domain it will automatically goes to the workstations ou


redircmp ou=workstation,dc=testlab,dc=local

in case of child ou   redircmp ou=childou,ou=parenetou….


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